Beyond a Positive Gratitude Attitude

Dream with vision, set goals with clarity, define with purpose, move forward with confidence, live fully with passion, reap joy, fulfillment and success!

Bull or waiter...which method leads you to your goals?

Off the top I'll say that I am a "waiter" most times when it comes to decisions I've made to move forward on something and a roadblock or a period of stagnate non-movement develops.  I've long since realized that in my personal experience if I bulldoze ahead trying to make something work for me, it usually doesn't get me very far except on the frustration scale.

Some people believe that when you are faced with opposition or delays, frustrations or roadblocks, that's an indication that you are meant to burrow forward because your direction is meant to be and working to get there is par for the course.

I take the stance in a totally opposite direction and fully believe that resistance to a direction we want to follow means that all things, steps, people or opportunities related to the goal I want to pursue is not yet fully in place or "on board" if you will.  I use to bash my way through these delays and blocks only to find myself losing interest and believing that the direction I was trying to go wasn't meant to be followed and I'd veer off and go in another direction or abandon the idea/goal or attempts to move on something, all together.

The lesson I learned that changed my mind

Back in 2004 we were butting our heads against the wall as we tried to locate living accommodations in a small city about 2 hours from where we now live.  Every house, every apartment, every person that we approached was very receptive and eager to arrange for us to move into their property.  We had moved to this small city a few years earlier and had decided to rent a home for a year or so before heading back to the city we'd just come from.  That year or so turned into over 3 years and as we waited for an employment opportunity to show up for my husband, we decided that we would remain where we were and rent another property on a month to month basis as the house we had been renting from a relative was now sold.

As April 5, 2004 came closer and closer we began to worry that we may not have any luck obtaining housing.  Every home that we had looked at resulted in the people who owned them not getting back to us.  Finally one day I told my husband, "Let's stop trying to push ahead with something that maybe isn't meant to be.  Let's just sit still for a bit and find out if something is coming toward us that is meant to be but that just isn't in place yet."  I was becoming convinced that something wonderful this way comes and all we had to do was show a little patience until everything regarding it was in place so that it would be able to move and we could then grasp it...whatever "it" was.

In mid-March my husband decided to purchase a paper from the city we'd lived in previously.  In that Saturday issue was an ad that we believe had been meant for my husband.  As it turned out, the opportunity for my husband to become part owner of a business in an industry that he specializes in opened up to us.  The ad was not meant to run the day we got the paper and it was pulled immediately after this but this was unknown to us until much later.

Not wasting any time, my husband drove down to hand deliver his Resume only to learn the gentleman offering the opportunity was a previous client of my husbands when he was employed elsewhere.  Once this piece of the puzzle was presented to us and we had taken action to move toward it, the whirlwind that followed was, and still remains, one of the most breathtaking experiences we've had.

The home we live in literally found us, the size, price and location of it was ideal.  The opportunity for my husband to own part of a business in a sector that he enjoyed was the icing on the cake for him.

Roadblocks aren't meant to stop you, they're meant to assist you while others prepare

I firmly believe that all roadblocks that appear to be holding us back are doing just the opposite.  They are designed to allow us the opportunity to reconsider our position while also allowing whatever opportunity, stepping stone or guidepost we still need in order to make our desires, dreams, goals or passions come about, fall into place.

When you intend for something to come into your life, often times the complete group of players are not yet assembled.  Just as we cannot expect an orchestra to perform in complete unison and beauty if all instruments are not yet tuned or in position, we shouldn't expect that all things which we intend are always in position immediately upon or vibrational energy being sent out.

The next time a roadblock enters your life, especially if you have a goal, plan or idea that you want to pursue or enter your life, sit still for a bit.  Allow a few hours, days or weeks even, to pass in order to give the others who are of importance in your overall intention, the opportunity to come together for you.

Being attentive to your desires means accepting delays gracefully

Just as it takes time to create a beautiful painting, create a wonderfully decorated cake or build the house of your too does it take time to bring to fruition your desires, dreams and goals.  Intentions are not always meant to be provided to you instantly.  Some are designed to offer you an opportunity to gain further patience skills, planning skills and refining skills.  Take the time to be attentive to your desires but take the opportunity to really put the delays that may show up to good use.

Once everything is in place as it should be, hang on because it is truly amazing to experience the swiftness with which things can indeed manifest once all the players and the pieces are ready to enter your life and perform their intended part in your life.

Embrace the delays, they are there for a reason.


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