Believe and it can be
My very first experience with the "Believe, Conceive, Achieve" experience of today was way back when I was about 16. While walking along a road with my cousin one day, we happened to pass a house where a bunch of guys were outside working. One guy had his shirt off and was nicely tanned, with blondish brown hair. I'd never met the guy before and knew nothing about him but I pointed to him and said to my cousin, "Someday, I'm going to marry that guy!" She laughed of course, not taking me seriously and actually I don't think I was serious either...but a year later I met this fellow at a New Years Eve party and we hit it off. Of course I think the long hair and John Lennon glasses may have had something to do with my attraction to him. Two weeks later though he seemed to lose interest so as I always did, I said goodbye, see you around, let's still be friends. Two years later he met me at a dance and two years after that, we were married.
After we had been married for about 6 years we decided on a spur of the moment to move to another city that was about 2 hours from where we had built our home. With no job prospects in that city and no idea why we were really moving we went to the city for a trip to visit relatives. While there we drove by a set of octagon high rise buildings and I pointed to one of the buildings and said, "One day we're going to live there." Just prior to our moving to the city, we saw a job advertised in the paper. We applied for it and ended up getting it. It was for a couple to take over the Resident Manager duties at the very high rise I had pointed to and said we would live in. We lived on the 18th floor of that building and boy was the view fabulous!
Then, several months later, as we drove by a building that housed a local Cable company, I pointed to the building and told my husband, "Someday I'm going to work there!" Of course he laughed, as did I. Oddly enough within 4 weeks I was indeed working there. I remained there for a few years until one day I decided I wanted to get hired by a local Embassy. Of course, by now you know how that went...yes, I was hired by the Embassy of my choice and remained with them for several years.
Watch what you wish for though...
After several years and 5 children, I was beginning to get a bit burnt out with everything I had going on which included my career, my family, three part time businesses, another business I and a friend were negotiating to buy, volunteer events including group events like Scouting, Brownies, T-Ball, Soccer, etc.
One day out of frustration for the lack of time I was dealing with more and more and the increased work load I seemed to have pushed onto my desk at work while others appeared to just roam the halls and gossip for the better part of the day, I mentioned to my husband a wish. "I just wish I could stay home and do what I want to do for a change. Take care of my family and have one business...that would be cool."
Not even 2 months later I was in a vehicle accident - low impact but still severe enough that I received what Doctors first thought to be Whiplash. As the pain grew worse until finally one morning I couldn't get out of bed because my entire left side was paralized - I knew there was a bit more involved that just whiplash.
A little more than a year later I was finally given the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and told that it was considered Severe. I had 18 out of 18 trigger points tender (this was a test they used back then when FMS was little known about and considered by many Doctors to be "all in the head".)
I was considered Medically disabled because I was unable to overcome the burning and painful physical symptoms as well as recall simple words or remember what I was saying one minute to the next thus unable to carry on anything but fragmented conversations. I also wanted to do nothing but sleep.
Of course, back then, FMS was so unheard of that I actually gained a number of naysayers, especially where I was employed, who saw me as someone who just wanted to quit working and stay home and sit on my butt all day long. This was one of those times that I really would have preferred that what I wanted hadn't actually come about in quite the way that it did. I loved my career, who I worked for and I was in the process of moving up the ladder again. It took me a very long time to get over that loss and frankly, I still look back today and think, "Imagine if..."
Today's Progression toward teaching others what they know
Even someone such as myself, who has lived with the idea that what you think about can often come about and because I've seen it happen more often than not, gets overwhelmed by all of the different (or similar) viewpoints on things such as the Law of Attraction, creating prosperity, seeking happiness, etc. So, when I come across yet another person who is spouting their own take on things or simply regergetating the same info they've heard from others who are considered "gurus" ... I honestly want to just close down sometimes.
I often think, boy if I'm overwhelmed and I know how this all works, imagine how someone just coming into this learning or mindset feels!
So, I decided that I was going to head back to my roots so to speak. After all, if I had been creating events in my life long before others were telling us how to do it...that must mean something! To me, it meant that whether we are aware of it or not, we are ALL capable of making our life turn out just as we would like it to. That's why we are given the freedom of choice, the ability to think for ourselves and the opportunity to take or deny risks in our lives.
We all know that when things get too complicated all we want to do is step back and take a breather, right? For some of us, we can deal with the complicated for awhile before we finally burn out. For others, they live for complicated and strive to enjoy the ability to resolve all the things that complications throw at them.
The majority of us however, want simplicity! We don't want someone to push out a 300 page book that supposedly holds the key to everything we have ever needed to know about making our lives the best they can be. We don't care whether Joe Wonderful has built himself a multi-million dollar home just like the one he cut out of a magazine a dozen years earlier and we certainly don't need the thousands upon thousands of followers spouting the same information over and over and over again on a social media site for all to re-read again for the dozenth time!
So, what do we want and how do we get it? Here's my take on how to get what you want in your life...sweet and simple and everyone can implement it in their life right now...
- State what you want clearly. Point to it, journal it, put it on your phone's calendar...anywhere that you can get the desire out there. Once you have done that....
- Forget about it! Completely, totally and move on in your life trusting that the Universe is at work creating your desire. No doubts!
- Be grateful and state this gratefulness when your desired intent comes to you.
Disappointed? No need to be. You see, while you have just confessed to the Universe via these three simple steps outlined above, you've already made the connection. When you follow all these other gazillion steps that others state will be the "only" way you can obtain what you desire, you are simply watering down your desires. One of the reasons so many begin to see that their intentions aren't manifesting. The Universe takes the volume button and turns it waaay down! You've been heard from on a particular desire and it's been jotted down, filed, assigned and is beginning to manifest. There are no other steps necessary. When we continue to intend or state our positive intentions and continually think about what we want to manifest in our lives, we are in effect creating something similar to the way some offices work. When we "call" and remind them of our "intention" that necessitates our "file" needing to be pulled. If our "file" is in a cue and say it was the next intention to be assigned, that means that our "call" has just pulled us out of the cue. Our file then goes to the end of the intention cue and there we are waiting even longer for whatever it is we would like to come into our lives, to get back down to the "next in line". The more we "call" and talk about our "file" the more often it gets tossed to the end of the line again. Thus the reason so many claim, "this intention and manifesting stuff doesn't work!"
Try it ... you may just like it!
So, in closing this long post :) all I can say is try the more simplified method for awhile. See how it works for you. Keep in mind though that for those intentions that require you to follow through with some action on your so but again, don't continually self talk about what it is you want. Let that portion of things take care of itself. Allow the Universe to get through the pile of "files" and get your intention through the proper channels without your intervening with constant chatter and "disruption in the order that your intention is due to be worked on". You may just find that simple is best.
Your job in all this is to simply state clearly what you want, then let it be. Do whatever action is required of a certain job you want, a particular place you want to live, etc., set into motion the actions that are necessary to allow those who must know, realize you exist, in order to help the intention along. But, continually asking, re-phrasing or recalling what it is you want to manifest in your life, just isn't necessary!
Make sense? Try it simple just for a short while and see if it doesn't work for you.
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